• +33 6 25 51 15 62
  • contact@anthropotechno.com


Objectives of the business coaching ANTHROPONEURSHIP

Who is this service aimed at?

Target audience: Freelancers and VSE managers with a business project of 1 to 5 years in the start-up or pivotal phase.


  • Be self-employed with their own business expertise
  • Wish to develop their business skills in order to improve their sales thanks to a structured approach (4 strategic pillars: marketing-sales-finance-motivation).

Objectives of the service

  • Understand why my business is stagnating and identify other levers for growth
  • Benefit from tailored support with personalised case studies
  • Structure your business plan and business model around the marketing-sales-finance-motivation pillars, based on your existing resources
  • Integrate the cycles of entrepreneurship to anticipate the next steps and our neurocognitive functioning to better manage stress

Benefits of the service

  • Improve your business skills by using your existing resources and business expertise
  • Gain an outside perspective by taking a step back and responding to your specific needs
  • Align your entrepreneurial posture with the positioning of your professional activity

Methods and resources

Before starting, a free preliminary interview will be held by the consultant to validate the suitability of the service and assess the entrepreneur’s needs.

The complete service is based on an audit, definition of the objectives and a detailed analysis of the client’s needs.

Material resources include :

– theoretical content provided and adapted to your business issues

– test & learn” method to understand learning mechanisms and the right to make mistakes

– role-playing during the coaching sessions

How the service works :

– A session lasts from 1h30 to 2h

– Experiential experience 60% + individual reflection 20% + theory 20

– Exercises to be carried out between each session: estimated working time between 2 and 3 hours per session, depending on the entrepreneur’s level of maturity.

Location: To be defined together (remote or face-to-face in Annecy and surrounding areas)

Course fee to be defined

  • Business Health Programme : 3 sessions/3 months (1 session per month) : marketing and sales pillars
    960€ net of VAT with 30% deposit required and 70% on invoice at the end of the service
  • Corporate Health and Entrepreneurial Health Programme : 7 sessions/3 months : marketing, sales, financial and motivational health pillars
    1,450€ net of VAT, with a 30% deposit required and 70% invoiced on completion of the service.